How to prevent students cheating in online exams
Want to know how to prevent students cheating in online exams? Since the pandemic, more educational institutions have moved their teaching practices online, including exams. While convenient for the student, the very nature of taking an online exam in their own space can inspire the temptation to cheat! Update – you might want to check…
New version – Moodle 3.5 Released!
Last month, Moodle 3.5 was released. The release is an awesome upgrade on the previous version of the worlds most popular elearning tool. Building on the success of Moodle 3.4, the major improvements of Moodle 3.5 are GDPR compliance and a focus on improving usability.
Avoiding the spambots on your Moodle site with Google reCAPTCHA v2
Is your VLE open to the world? Do you let visitors create accounts on your site? If so you might get a lot of spam and unconfirmed accounts. Luckily there is a solution to this use Google reCAPTCHA on your site.