Tag: Communication

  • How to prevent students cheating in online exams

    How to prevent students cheating in online exams

    Want to know how to prevent students cheating in online exams? Since the pandemic, more educational institutions have moved their teaching practices online, including exams. While convenient for the student, the very nature of taking an online exam in their own space can inspire the temptation to cheat! Update – you might want to check…

  • The Move to Moodle 4.0 Series (2 of 4): New Moodle Icons

    The Move to Moodle 4.0 Series (2 of 4): New Moodle Icons

    In this second post about the upcoming Moodle 4 improvements, we introduce you to the new Moodle icons and some changes to the course page structure. The ability of users to manage the information on courses they are taking – such as how much they have completed, level of attainment, etc – are critical to…