Tag: Feedback

  • Learn Moodle: A Beginner’s Guide

    Learn Moodle: A Beginner’s Guide

    Are you looking to learn Moodle? This beginner’s guide will help you get started with Moodle, the popular open-source learning management system. Whether you’re an educator, instructional designer, or e-learning enthusiast, Moodle offers a flexible and powerful platform for creating engaging online courses. Let’s dive into the world of Moodle and explore how you can…

  • What is Mahara ePortfolio System?

    What is Mahara ePortfolio System?

    Introduction: What is Mahara eportfolio system? Mahara eportfolio system is a web application that is designed to help students, professionals and everyone else demonstrate their achievements. When we apply for a new job or seek to collaborate with others, we often need to showcase our work. Whether you’re a web designer showing off your beautiful…

  • How to create engaging discussion forums for elearning courses

    How to create engaging discussion forums for elearning courses

    Discussion plays an important role in education. It helps students embed their learning, challenges their assumptions, and furthers their knowledge. If you are using an LMS to deliver eLearning courses, you should give serious thought to adding discussion forums to facilitate further learning. It’s also a great opportunity to get feedback and gauge how well…

  • The Move to Moodle 4.0 Series (1 of 4): New Moodle Navigation

    The Move to Moodle 4.0 Series (1 of 4): New Moodle Navigation

    Very soon, Moodle 4.0 – the latest and most user-friendly version of the platform to date will launch. After spending lots of time consulting with teachers, learners, developers and administrators, Moodle have come up with something more slick, modern, and reliable that will make course management so much easier. In this first in a series…

  • Online learning: a competitive advantage for Malaysian companies

    Online learning: a competitive advantage for Malaysian companies

    Why online learning for Malaysian companies, is the new norm – 4 ways to do it effectively The recent health crisis has turned the world of work on its head, with many people finding themselves working in a totally virtual environment or, in some cases, not working at all. As such, it is more important…

  • Upcoming Fortnightly Tips

    Upcoming Fortnightly Tips

    Three months ago we started Fortnightly Tips, Pukunui’s free fifteen-minute webinar showing you tips and tricks for the Moodle™ LMS. Since March we have had seven webinars, with topics ranging from Competencies to Activity Completions. Fortnightly Tips was even streamed live from iMoot, allowing Fortnightly Tips users the chance to sample the world’s largest fully online…

  • Conditional Quiz Questions?  Why yes you can!

    Conditional Quiz Questions? Why yes you can!

    Conditional Quiz Questions. Very exciting! This week I have the pleasure of sitting in on Shane Elliott running the Pukunui Course Creator two day training. It’s always great to see the Pukunui team presenting our standard courses, as we all have our unique flourishes, pet peeves and passions that we focus on.