
Why online learning for Malaysian companies, is the new norm – 4 ways to do it effectively

The recent health crisis has turned the world of work on its head, with many people finding themselves working in a totally virtual environment or, in some cases, not working at all. As such, it is more important than ever for Malaysian companies to provide online learning opportunities for their people to develop their skills.

According to this Udemy report on Workplace Learning Trends for 2021, the estimated percentage of the workforce being upskilled in 2020 shot up to 38%, up from just 14% the previous year. Much of this upskilling happened online.

Traditionally, personal development is facilitated through face-to-face training, either in the workplace or offsite. However, MCO and other restrictions have closed off that option for now. That’s why companies should follow those in the education sector and move towards online training. If not, people development will suffer, and companies will fall behind any competitors who continue to upskill their people online while the pandemic remains.

Indeed, making the switch to online learning will give Malaysian companies a significant competitive advantage. Here are four ways to do it effectively:

The estimated percentage of the workforce being upskilled in 2020 shot up to 38%, up from just 14% the previous year.

Udemy report on Workplace Learning Trends for 2021

1 – Build the digital capability

More and more Malaysians are taking online learning courses in their own time, accessing a whole range of e-learning programmes on platforms such as Udemy or via university websites. This tells us there is a growing demand for online learning when it comes to skills development. But it also highlights a gap in training provision that should be coming from the workplace.

Wouldn’t it be great if companies could provide a platform for staff to take online courses that are relevant and specific to their industry or expertise? 

Pro Tip: Build a digital infrastructure that allows people to learn online from a variety of devices, including their smartphones. 

2- Regularly upskill and celebrate success

Even before the pandemic, remote working was becoming more popular. Now that companies have seen the benefits and learned how to compensate for the downsides, it makes sense to transition regular face-to-face training sessions into the online environment, too. 

Indeed, online learning offers advantages that are difficult to replicate offline. For example:

  • Utilises gamification
    Stimulates learning by adding gameplay linked to achievement with instant rewards and feedback. Significantly increases engagement.
  • Learners can progress at their own pace
    Computer based training programmes are delivered in bite-size chunks that can be accessed anywhere on any device. People can learn on the go, whenever convenient.

Pro-Tip: Learning should be engaging and consistent, related closely to the demands of the job.  

3 – Gain insights and 360 feedback

One of the biggest advantages of online learning is that it generates lots of data. This provides plenty of opportunities for analytics and personalisation of learning content, as well as report making.

  • Automated feedback and certification
    Automation has become very sophisticated of late and can be employed to give instant feedback as well as record data and analyse it. AI also identifies gaps in knowledge and understanding, so these can be addressed with a personalised learning programme.
  • Links to external rewards system or appraisal process
    Performance data in e-learning programmes can be directly linked with other performance-related systems to inform further upskilling and reward staff accordingly. Staff should have access to this data, too, so they can monitor their own progress, adjusting their performance in line with expectations. 

Pro-Tip: Rewards should be timely and frequent.

4 – Create a cycle of continual monitoring and improvement

When the pandemic struck, many were forced to work from home, communicating with their colleagues and customers on BigBlueButton or Zoom meetings or sharing information on platforms ranging from messaging services to Google Docs. At first, those unfamiliar with these tools had to get grips with them fast, often with little guidance. If there had been some online learning provision in place, managers could have helped train people how to effectively use these tools quickly.

They say small changes produce big results, so it is good practice to have your staff train regularly, rather than intermittently. This is much more achievable with the convenience of online learning.

Pro-Tip: Learning happens best when:
Learning objectives are clear
Success criteria is well-defined
Peers learn with each other
Lots of discussion is involved
Tasks are sufficiently challenging for the learner’s skill level

When your organisation provides its workforce with the tools for continuous learning, it will enjoy an enormous strategic advantage. In the battle for talent, the opportunity to regularly upskill serves as great recruitment incentive, too. 

Whether we’re enduring a pandemic or enjoying life as normal, one fact remains: training is going through something of a revolution. Will your company be on the right side of history?

If you need advice on how to implement online learning for your company, Pukunui can help. Contact us today for more information.

Vinny Stocker

Vinny is an experienced educator and technologist with over 25 years of leadership experience in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. He is the Managing Director of Pukunui Sdn Bhd, a leading Learning Management Systems provider in Malaysia, where he has successfully implemented e-learning systems for some of the largest universities in the country. He is also a recognised expert in the field of Moodle, having trained hundreds of teachers on various versions of the software and regularly presenting at educational conferences in South East Asia. Vinny is known for his progressive and driven approach, as well as his ability to provide practical and effective solutions that promote student progress and learning. He is an accomplished entrepreneur, published author, and a down-to-earth and approachable individual dedicated to improving education through innovative integration of ICT.

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销售您的在线学习课程从未如此简单。自2020年疫情爆发以来,电子学习已经大幅流行。因此,向公众销售访问您的在线学习课程可能会带来丰厚回报。然而,您需要确保有一个良好的LMS系统才能让这一切顺利进行。 Pukunui已经帮助多位客户成功从在线课程销售中获利。以下是一些案例研究,展示了我们的成功经验。

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太平洋灾害中心为亚洲各国政府机构提供的学习管理系统(LMS) 太平洋地区自然灾害频发。因此,让专家分析情况和威胁,然后实时向相关部门提供信息,会大有裨益。太平洋灾害中心(PDC) 为整个太平洋地区的政府提供分析和预警。因此,他们明白政府机构拥有 LMS对地方官员进行高度培训的重要性。 PDC早在 2018 年就与Pukunui接洽,希望他们能帮助将当时完全面对面授课的培训内容转移到一个用户友好且灵活的在线平台上。Moodle是完美的选择。 灵活且适应性强的学习平台 我们的第一个项目涉及建立一个培训计划,即专门为印度尼西亚政府官员设计的 LMS。在我们的开发人员构建了用于托管该计划的主要 Moodle 平台后,我们开始将培训材料(全部在 Microsoft Word 文档中)转移到交互式培训模块中。我们使用了多种功能(例如 Moodle 图书活动和截屏视频)来实现这一点。 PDC’s Moodle based, elearning site 所有内容都是多样化的,因此不同需求的个人用户可以以不同的级别访问课程。每个人本质上都在学习同一门课程,但内容是根据他们的反应量身定制的。 该模式非常灵活。一组用户仅从 Moodle

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最近很荣幸为亚洲电子大学 (AeU) 员工提供为期一天的Pukunui LMS Manager培训。该培训面向负责管理Moodle™站点的个人。它涵盖了广泛的主题,包括站点设置、用户帐户、角色和自定义角色、身份验证方法、注册方法以及管理课程和类别。 1、2、3,开始! 培训从讨论站点设置开始,我解释了主要的管理设置以及如何浏览 Moodle™ 界面。然后,工作人员了解了用户帐户以及可以分配给用户的不同角色和自定义角色。我们还介绍了可用的不同身份验证和注册方法以及如何设置它们。 接下来,工作人员深入探讨了如何管理课程和类别。我演示了如何添加新类别、如何管理现有课程、如何添加新课程以及如何备份和恢复课程。我还讨论了课程默认设置以及如何上传课程。 午餐后,工作人员了解了 Moodle™ 网站的外观,包括可用的不同主题以及如何自定义网站的外观和感觉。我们还介绍了报告和自定义报告,我解释了可用的不同日志和报告选项以及如何创建自定义报告。 在整个培训过程中,员工们都积极参与实践活动和小组讨论。他们觉得这次培训非常有价值,因为他们可以将学到的概念应用到实际环境中。他们还喜欢培训的互动性,这使他们可以提问并与其他成员分享经验。 培训中的AeU员工 培训结束后,员工可以利用所学知识改进 Moodle™ 网站,使其对学习者来说更加用户友好、更加高效。他们可以自定义网站设置、管理用户帐户和创建自定义角色。他们还学习了如何管理课程和类别、备份和恢复课程以及创建自定义报告。 结束 总体而言,开展这项培训是一次很棒的体验。员工们积极性很高,渴望学习。我相信这次培训使他们受益匪浅,并将帮助他们更高效、更有效地为学习者管理 Moodle™ 网站。Pukunui的口号永远是“促进教育”。 LMS现在非常流行。几乎每个组织都在使用它。我们在博客文章中整理了电子学习的好处。请看一下,这样您就可以了解电子学习能为您带来什么好处。如果您正在为您的组织寻找可靠的 LMS,我们再次为您提供答案。立即联系Pukunui!

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