Tag: Microsoft Teams

  • Moodle vs Microsoft Teams

    Moodle vs Microsoft Teams

    Moodle vs Microsoft Teams – Struggling to decide between Moodle and Microsoft Teams for online learning? Find out which one is best for structured sequential learning and which one excels in synchronous collaboration with our expert guide! Do I use Moodle or Microsoft Teams? Or do I use both together? Which one do I use…

  • Zoom vs BigBlueButton vs Microsoft Teams vs Google Meet

    Zoom vs BigBlueButton vs Microsoft Teams vs Google Meet

    Which is the champion video conferencing platform? In this blog post we compare Zoom vs BigBlueButton vs Microsoft Teams vs Google Meet. Video conferencing platforms have become massively more popular over the last two years or so, for obvious reasons. Even as we manage the pandemic however, the use of video conferencing platforms will remain…

  • Pukunui Malaysia is now a certified HRDF Training Provider

    Pukunui Malaysia is now a certified HRDF Training Provider

    Pukunui is now a certified HRDF Training Provider, offering you excellent and high-quality LMS training. Join us for our HRDF Moodle courses! All our LMS training courses involve using the Moodle LMS platform for the delivery of content, along with BigBlueButton for the video conferencing aspect.