What are micro-credentials?
Most professionals engage in some form of training every year. But the way this training is delivered and certified is changing. Yes, degrees and the like are still the most prized qualifications to stick on your resume. However, a more focused approach is called for as professional skills-based training increases in importance. Welcome to micro-credentials.
Are you going to EdtechPosium?
Pukunui Technology is proud to once again (and in a way, for the first time) sponsor EdtechPosium! EdtechPosium, originally known as MoodlePosium, is an annual conference, organised by six Canberra based institutions. EdtechPosium focuses on educational technologies in the higher learning and vocational education sectors. Fitting the Tech to Teaching This year, the theme is Fitting…
Training Booster Shot – Competencies Made Simple!
Introduction to Competency-Based Education (CBE) in Moodle Competencies in Moodle. Here at Pukunui, we know it can be a challenge to keep up-to-date with all the fantastic features the Moodle team put into each new release of Moodle every six months! As a result, we invite you to come to our new series of Booster…