TPP: Third Party PluginMSA: Moodle™ Support AgreementPukunui: Refers to Pukunui Technology (Australia), Pukunui Ltd (Hong Kong), Pukunui Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) its workers, or any contractors that are employed to provide Pukunui services;The Client: Person or Organisation which has a MSA with PukunuiThe following policy covers requests for and additions of TPPs to The Client’s Moodle™ sites;
- If requested to install a TPP to a Moodle™ site, Pukunui will take one of the following courses of action:
- For those TPPs with which we are familiar or have previously tested and vetted (for the requested version) we will install the plugin immediately;
- For all other TPPs Pukunui will make an assessment of the code to determine if it contains any security issues or code which may be detrimental to your site or to the delivery of our services. Following the assessment Pukunui will make one of the following recommendations:
- The code has satisfactorily passed our assessment. This does not necessarily imply there are no security issues or the code is well-written but Pukunui are satisfied that it will operate in a way which will not affect the running of The Client’s site;
- The code needs some minor fixes. Pukunui will provide a list of issues and a development quote to fix them. The Client may still choose to have the TPP installed without the code fixes being made but this will impact the MSA as outlined below;
- The code is detrimental to the delivery of [Pukunui services]. Pukunui will not install the TPP on it’s hosting servers without major changes. Pukunui will provide a list of issues and a development quote to fix them. If The Client installs the TPP without the consent of Pukunui then this will impact the MSA as outlined below.
- Pukunui, as part of the MSA will upgrade and provide technical support for all core Moodle™ modules;
- TPPs are not supported in any way. While Pukunui may choose to upgrade some TPPs from time to time on The Client’s site and provide helpdesk support, this does not in any way form a binding contract to provide such services in the future;
- Pukunui is not obligated to upgrade the core Moodle™ code of The Client’s site when doing so will make the site not usable due to the installation of a TPP;
- The MSA is voided if The Client chooses to install without the consent of Pukunui a TPP that has been deemed detrimental to the delivery of [Pukunui services].
If you have any questions regarding this policy, or your dealings with our website, please contact us here:
Head office – Pukunui Technology116 Parry Street, Perth WA 6000