Moodle vs Blackboard: which LMS is better for enterprises?
Moodle and Blackboard are two learning management systems (LMS) mostly used in K-12 and higher education. The Moodle vs Blackboard comparison is very common among educators and training managers worldwide. Blackboard offers a variety of solutions for companies and government agencies, while Moodle is open-source and customisable by any organisation.
A scalable solution for IMU, to increase Moodle performance during the pandemic
International Medical University Malaysia (IMU) trains tomorrow’s doctors and other medical professionals to deal with unexpected situations. As such, the university is well placed to cope with any emergency. The arrival of Covid-19 in early 2020 proved to be a testing time for everyone, and the university approached Pukunui to help them deal with a…
Moodle helps Indonesia avoid disaster
Pacific Disaster Center’s LMS for government organisations across Asia The Pacific has its fair share of natural disasters. That’s why it helps to have experts analyse conditions and threats, then present that information in real time to the relevant authorities. Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) provides analysis and early warnings to governments across the pacific region.…
The future of online learning in Malaysia
Online learning has been on the rise for the last two decades, as more and more people undertake all or part of their training via learning, online class or virtual classes. Today, most universities and schools have some kind of Learning Management System (LMS) in place – such as Moodle – which allows teachers and…