LMS Planning Tool: The Four Steps of Course Content Creation

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Course content creation has become a crucial aspect in elearning, as it has become an increasingly popular method of delivering training. With the rise of Learning Management Systems (LMS), it’s easier than ever to create and deliver online courses. However, creating effective elearning courses that achieve your learning outcomes can be a challenge. In this post, we will discuss the four steps of course content creation and how you can use them to develop competency-based elearning courses that meet the needs of your trainees.

The four steps of Course Content Creation
The four steps of Course Content Creation

Step 1: Planning

The first step in creating an elearning course is to understand what competencies your trainees need to be successful in their work. Once you have identified these competencies, you can then determine the related learning outcomes. It’s also important to consider how training is currently being delivered for these competencies and how it can be delivered within your LMS.

When planning your course, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are the competencies trainees need to be successful in their work?
  • What are the related learning outcomes of these competencies?
  • How is training currently being delivered for these competencies?
  • How can training for these competencies be delivered within your LMS?

Which Moodle tools can we use to help our planning?

  1. Use the Quiz activity in Moodle to assess the current knowledge and skills of trainees, and identify areas where they need additional training. This will help you to determine the competencies that need to be covered in your course.
  2. Use the Database activity in Moodle to create a list of learning outcomes for your course. This will help you to focus your course content on the specific competencies that need to be developed.
  3. Use the Forum activity in Moodle to gather feedback from trainees on the current training they are receiving, and how it can be improved. This will help you to identify the best ways to deliver training for the competencies within your LMS.

Step 2: Designing

The second step in creating an elearning course is to design the activities and course content. When designing your course, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the competencies you are trying to fulfil. This will help you to create activities and assessments that are aligned with your learning outcomes.

When designing your course, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What competencies are you trying to fulfil by creating this activity/course?
  • After this activity, your trainees should be able to………..
  • Do we need to check if the trainee can already achieve the competencies?
  • How do we know the trainee has achieved the competencies?

Are Moodle activities useful for designing our content?

  1. Use the Lesson activity in Moodle to create interactive activities that align with your learning outcomes. This will help you to engage trainees and ensure that they are meeting the competencies required for their work.
  2. Use the Quiz activity in Moodle to create assessments that test trainees’ understanding of the competencies covered in the course. This will help you to determine if they have achieved the required competencies.
  3. Use the Feedback activity in Moodle to gather feedback from trainees on the course content, and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that it aligns with their needs.

Step 3: Implementing

The third step in creating an elearning course is to implement the activities and course content. When implementing your course, it’s important to consider how the course supports your learners and how participants will react to the training. Be prepared for any challenges that they might encounter.

When implementing your course, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which competencies are being trained?
  • How does your course/activities support your learners?
  • How will participants react to this training?
  • What challenges might they encounter?

How do we implement these course content creation ideas in the Moodle LMS?

  1. Upload course materials, such as videos and PDFs, that provide additional information on the competencies being trained.
  2. Use the Workshop activity in Moodle to allow trainees to collaborate and share their knowledge with each other. This will help them to better understand the competencies and apply them in their work.
  3. Use the Assignment activity in Moodle to allow trainees to submit work for review, and provide them with feedback on how well they have achieved the competencies.

Step 4: Reviewing

The final step in creating an elearning course is to review the effectiveness of the course. This includes assessing whether the training course achieved its purpose, whether the trainees completed the course, met the requirements for the competencies, and hence achieved your learning outcomes.

When reviewing your course, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did your training course achieve its purpose?
  • Did your trainees complete the course, meet the requirements for the competencies, and hence achieve your learning outcomes?
  • Which competencies could you cover in your next course to help your trainees be successful in their work?
  • How do you know whether your training course was a success?

What Moodle activities can we use to review our course?

  1. Use the Quiz activity in Moodle to conduct a post-training assessment to determine if trainees have achieved the competencies required for their work.
  2. Use the Feedback activity in Moodle to gather feedback from trainees on the course, and identify areas where improvements can be made.
  3. Use the Database activity in Moodle to track the progress of trainees over time, and determine the effectiveness of your training in helping them to achieve their competencies.

To review the effectiveness of your course, you can conduct surveys, assessments, and gather feedback from the trainees. This will help you to identify areas where the course was successful and areas where improvements can be made. Based on this feedback, you can then adjust your course and make any necessary changes for the next round of training.

Creating effective elearning courses that achieve your learning outcomes requires a systematic approach. By following the four steps of course content creation: planning, designing, implementing, and reviewing, you can develop competency-based elearning courses that meet the needs of your trainees. Remember to gather feedback and make adjustments as needed to ensure that your courses continue to be effective.

Pukunui provides LMS hosting, support and training.

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