3 Reasons Why Moodle is a Better Choice Than Google Classroom for Online Learning

an orange hammer breaking multicoloured rocks to represent Why Moodle is a Better Choice Than Google Classroom

In this post we look at 3 reasons why Moodle is a better choice than Google Classroom for online learning. Moodle and Google Classroom are both popular LMS learning management systems used by schools and universities around the world. While both platforms have their strengths, there are several reasons why Moodle is a better choice for educators and students.

Course design Moodle vs Google

One of the big advantages of Moodle is its customisable and “plug-inable” (if that is a word!) course design layout. Moodle offers a versatile layout that enables educators to craft stimulating and interactive courses combining an array of multimedia components such as forums, quizzes, and videos. This affords pupils the opportunity to learn in a manner that is engaging and meaningful within a highly organised and structured framework.

On the contrary, Google Classroom is a relatively simple LMS that prioritises ease of use. While it does provide basic tools for course creation and organisation, it lacks the extensive features and customisation options of Moodle. Consequently, it may prove challenging for teachers to create stimulating and interactive courses, and locating content can prove difficult unless it was recently posted.

Grading and Assessment Tools

Another advantage of Moodle is its robust grading and assessment tools. With Moodle, teachers can easily create and grade assignments, quizzes, and exams, using rubrics, allowing them to track student progress and provide timely feedback. This helps to ensure that students are on track to meet their learning goals.

Google Classroom also offers some grading and assessment tools, but these are more limited than those offered by Moodle. For example, Google Classroom does not easily allow teachers to create and grade peer assessments, whereas Moodle has a dedicated activity for this – Workshop. This can make it more difficult for teachers to effectively assess student progress and provide feedback.

Communication and Collaboration

Additionally, Moodle provides an array of communication and collaboration tools to facilitate seamless interaction among students and teachers. With forums, messaging, and social media-like features, students can readily connect with their peers and tutors, thereby promoting an immersive and interactive learning environment.

On the other hand, Google Classroom also provides some communication and collaboration tools, albeit with more basic features compared to Moodle. Lacking forums, students may find it challenging to engage and collaborate with their classmates.

Summary – Why Moodle is a Better Choice Than Google Classroom for Online Learning

Overall, Moodle is a more comprehensive and powerful LMS than Google Classroom. Its customisable course design, robust grading and assessment tools, and communication and collaboration features make it a better choice for educators and students who want to create and participate in engaging and interactive online courses.

If you would like help moving from Google Classroom to Moodle or need more convincing, contact us!

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