Author: Tengku Alauddin

  • The Scratchpad plugin by Pukunui and IFES

    The Scratchpad plugin by Pukunui and IFES

    Scratchpad is a new open-source/free Moodle plugin developed by Pukunui and funded by the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). It is compatible with Moodle 3.10 or later versions. Based on the ever-so-popular Journal plugin, the Scratchpad plugin allows students to write their reflections on courses and download them. Features This plugin is essentially a…

  • How to Spot Plagiarism in Student Essays

    How to Spot Plagiarism in Student Essays

    Two people discussing, with one of the holding a tablet while the other one holding paper

  • Cara Mengesan Plagiat dalam Esei Pelajar

    Cara Mengesan Plagiat dalam Esei Pelajar

    Dalam catatan blog terbaru ini, kita akan melihat cara mengesan peniruan dalam esei pelajar. Sejak Internet bermula, penyakit kepala yang terbesar bagi pendidik adalah menangani peniruan. Beruntungnya, kini terdapat banyak alat yang membantu anda mengesan apabila peniruan berlaku. Banyak alat ini menggunakan AI yang canggih dan berkesan untuk mengenal pasti pelajar yang cuba menggunakan hasil…

  • Introducing Pukunui’s new Moodle video theme – Boleh

    Introducing Pukunui’s new Moodle video theme – Boleh

    Boleh is a brand new open-source/free Moodle video theme developed by Pukunui. It is compatible with Moodle 3.10 or later versions, provides an app-like modern interface, and is designed to help your users focus on your site’s content. Based on the ever so popular Moove Moodle theme, it consists of a modern theme utilising Bootstrap…