What are the benefits of elearning?
This year, forecasts show that the elearning market globally will be worth over $243b. Before the digital era, lecturers in lecture halls and classrooms conducted their classes face-to-face. Some universities offered distance learning courses by mail, which were the precursor of elearning courses. In this post, we’ll look at the benefits of elearning, both for you,…
How to create engaging discussion forums for elearning courses
Discussion plays an important role in education. It helps students embed their learning, challenges their assumptions, and furthers their knowledge. If you are using an LMS to deliver eLearning courses, you should give serious thought to adding discussion forums to facilitate further learning. It’s also a great opportunity to get feedback and gauge how well…
5 tips for building an engaging Moodle course
In this latest post, we explore ideas for building an engaging Moodle course. Moodle is one of the most prominent and reliable learning platforms in the market. Its open-source offering helps educators develop a comprehensive online learning experience easily and efficiently. Indeed, the platform has become increasingly popular as more educators transition to blended or complete online…
H5P and Moodle
Lecturers, teachers and instructional designers who want to improve the learning experiences of their students, should take a look at using H5P activities within their Moodle site. H5P is an open source project which allows you to create interactive, responsive, HTML5 learning activities.
Elearning courses in Malaysia
Digital learning technologies have given birth to elearning courses in Malaysia and other parts of the world. However, some elearning courses are better than others. The best ones have several defining features the rest lack. So, it’s good to understand what separates the best courses from the rest before developing your own.
New version – Moodle 3.5 Released!
Last month, Moodle 3.5 was released. The release is an awesome upgrade on the previous version of the worlds most popular elearning tool. Building on the success of Moodle 3.4, the major improvements of Moodle 3.5 are GDPR compliance and a focus on improving usability.
Conditional Quiz Questions? Why yes you can!
Conditional Quiz Questions. Very exciting! This week I have the pleasure of sitting in on Shane Elliott running the Pukunui Course Creator two day training. It’s always great to see the Pukunui team presenting our standard courses, as we all have our unique flourishes, pet peeves and passions that we focus on.