Pukunui Malaysia. Our review of 2016

elearning malaysia

As it is the start of a new year, I thought I’d take the time to reflect on our recent LMS successes and hopes for 2017.


Throughout the past year Pukunui has had the pleasure of running a number of elearning Malaysia workshops. This has helped to promote elearning, and training staff across universities, corporations and government departments. In particular I would like to thank the members of GOAL-ITQAN and USIM elearning staff. They invited me to present as a keynote for the USIM 2nd E-Learning Colloquium 2016 which took place in June. I had the pleasure of a very engaging audience, and spoke specifically on how to incorporate Gamification in Moodle.

Case study

One of our largest projects in 2016 was for UNIKL. Partnering with AIMS Data Centre, and Panopto, Pukunui helped streamline the elearning systems across UNIKL’s campuses. UNIKL have been using Moodle for a long time, and had a number of different Moodle versions across 13 campuses in Malaysia. Pukunui helped by taking these 13 Moodle installations, over 15,000 Moodle courses and merging them into one enterprise level deployment. In addition, this including branding, and integrations with other systems. As a result we created an exciting LMS and VCMS system, a great benchmark for other universities to strive towards. Congratulations to everyone involved.

The year ended on another high with Pukunui migrating a high availability Moodle LMS and Mahara deployment to Pukunui’s Moodle cloud. With a number of customisations and a Single Sign On between Microsoft Azure, Moodle and Mahara the learners experience improved greatly.

Finally, looking ahead to 2017, Moodle 3.3 and Moodle 3.4 are planned for release with some great new features. We’ll be running training sessions on all of these features, upgrading lots of Moodle sites and of course another iMoot! An exciting time to be part of the elearning industry in Malaysia.

Wishing all of our clients a happy and prosperous 2017.

Vinny, Pukunui Sdn Bhd.

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