Category: Pukunui Malaysia

Explore the vibrant eLearning scene in Malaysia with our Pukunui Malaysia category. We delve into the unique aspects of the Malaysian eLearning market, including local trends, challenges, and opportunities. Our coverage includes industry updates, training companies, case studies, and insights into Pukunui’s services and initiatives in Malaysia. Discover how we’re helping to shape the future of eLearning in Malaysia through our innovative solutions and services.

  • The top 10 elearning platforms in Malaysia

    The top 10 elearning platforms in Malaysia

    Are you looking for the best elearning platforms in Malaysia? Look no further! Here are the top 10 elearning platforms in Malaysia to consider for your learning, training and development needs. Elearning platforms are websites or software applications that provide educational content and resources to users over the internet. These platforms often include features like…

  • H5P Interactive Video Workshop at the IMU ILRF 2022

    H5P Interactive Video Workshop at the IMU ILRF 2022

    The IMU International Learning Resources Festival (IMU ILRF) is a yearly event organized by the Learning Resources Department, Clinical Skills & Simulation Centre (CSSC), and IMU Center for Education (ICE). It focuses on both technical and non-technical aspects of e-Learning.

  • HRD Corp Computer Based Training (CBT) – Pukunui Malaysia

    HRD Corp Computer Based Training (CBT) – Pukunui Malaysia

    Under HRD Corp you can apply for financial assistance to purchase or develop training software packages, including Learning Management Systems (LMS) that will help employees learn on their own in this digital age. Pukunui is a training provider for HRD Corp and provide learning management systems (LMS) consultancy along with outstanding customer service!

  • 5 criteria for choosing a Malaysia hosting provider for your LMS

    5 criteria for choosing a Malaysia hosting provider for your LMS

    Here are five criteria to use when choosing a Malaysia hosting provider, for your learning management system. A learning management system (LMS) is a software application that helps you manage, deliver and monitor online training programs. The platform can be hosted either locally on company servers, or remotely in the cloud. An LMS offers all the…

  • The Challenges and Opportunities of Elearning in Malaysia: Addressing Current Issues and Recommendations

    The Challenges and Opportunities of Elearning in Malaysia: Addressing Current Issues and Recommendations

    The challenges and opportunities of Elearning in Malaysia  Elearning is the evolution of distance learning that uses immersive network technology to build, foster, distribute, and promote learning anytime and anywhere. During the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions in Malaysia had to quickly ramp up their elearning provision, so that students could continue their studies at home.…

  • Cara Mengesan Plagiat dalam Esei Pelajar

    Cara Mengesan Plagiat dalam Esei Pelajar

    Dalam catatan blog terbaru ini, kita akan melihat cara mengesan peniruan dalam esei pelajar. Sejak Internet bermula, penyakit kepala yang terbesar bagi pendidik adalah menangani peniruan. Beruntungnya, kini terdapat banyak alat yang membantu anda mengesan apabila peniruan berlaku. Banyak alat ini menggunakan AI yang canggih dan berkesan untuk mengenal pasti pelajar yang cuba menggunakan hasil…

  • 5 cara menjadikan kursus Moodle yang menarik

    5 cara menjadikan kursus Moodle yang menarik

    5 cara menjadikan kursus Moodle yang menarik. Dalam pos terbaru ini, kami akan memberikan beberapa idea untuk membina kursus Moodle yang menarik. Moodle adalah salah satu platform pembelajaran yang paling terkenal dan dipercayai di pasaran. Dikenali sebagai salah satu “opensource platform” , ia dapat membantu pendidik membangunkan pengalaman pembelajaran dalam talian yang komprehensif dengan mudah…

  • Online learning: a competitive advantage for Malaysian companies

    Online learning: a competitive advantage for Malaysian companies

    Why online learning for Malaysian companies, is the new norm – 4 ways to do it effectively The recent health crisis has turned the world of work on its head, with many people finding themselves working in a totally virtual environment or, in some cases, not working at all. As such, it is more important…

  • Pukunui Malaysia is now a certified HRDF Training Provider

    Pukunui Malaysia is now a certified HRDF Training Provider

    Pukunui is now a certified HRDF Training Provider, offering you excellent and high-quality LMS training. Join us for our HRDF Moodle courses! All our LMS training courses involve using the Moodle LMS platform for the delivery of content, along with BigBlueButton for the video conferencing aspect.

  • The future of online learning in Malaysia

    The future of online learning in Malaysia

    Online learning has been on the rise for the last two decades, as more and more people undertake all or part of their training via learning, online class or virtual classes. Today, most universities and schools have some kind of Learning Management System (LMS) in place – such as Moodle – which allows teachers and…

  • We’re hiring, training, additional sites – Pukunui Malaysia

    We’re hiring, training, additional sites – Pukunui Malaysia

    A quick update for our clients in Malaysia. We’re hiring! LMS / Moodle training Additional Moodle, Mahara, and WordPress sites Recently, we’ve taken on quite a few more clients. To serve you better, we are delighted to announce that we are looking for someone to fill the following position.

  • Elearning courses in Malaysia

    Elearning courses in Malaysia

    Digital learning technologies have given birth to elearning courses in Malaysia and other parts of the world. However, some elearning courses are better than others. The best ones have several defining features the rest lack. So, it’s good to understand what separates the best courses from the rest before developing your own.

  • Elearning Kuala Lumpur, LMS Training

    Elearning Kuala Lumpur, LMS Training

    Training courses for Elearning Kuala Lumpur Coming up in September, we more courses for Elearning Kuala Lumpur. You can contact us directly today for more information. Pukunui Course Creator. For teachers and trainers starting out on their Moodle™ journey

  • The Benefits of E-Learning in Malaysia

    The Benefits of E-Learning in Malaysia

    E-learning offers a convenient and cost-effective way to learn in Malaysia, with the added benefits of flexibility, personalisation and easy access from anywhere with an internet connection. With these advantages, e-learning has become increasingly popular in Malaysia, allowing students of all ages to get the education they need without being limited by geographical or financial…