What makes a modern LMS? The 4 factors that make your LMS fit for the future
In today’s digital world, you want learners to access your content in a way that engages them with a smooth learner experience. That’s why you need a truly modern LMS that is reliable, easy to navigate, and offers seamless content creation options. So, what exactly does a modern LMS look like? Here are a few…
5 tips for building an engaging Moodle course
In this latest post, we explore ideas for building an engaging Moodle course. Moodle is one of the most prominent and reliable learning platforms in the market. Its open-source offering helps educators develop a comprehensive online learning experience easily and efficiently. Indeed, the platform has become increasingly popular as more educators transition to blended or complete online…
What are micro-credentials?
Most professionals engage in some form of training every year. But the way this training is delivered and certified is changing. Yes, degrees and the like are still the most prized qualifications to stick on your resume. However, a more focused approach is called for as professional skills-based training increases in importance. Welcome to micro-credentials.
Can LMS integration improve business performance?
We often get asked the question “how can LMS integration improve business performance?” Employee learning must be a continuous priority for organisational leaders to maintain an educated and efficient workforce. This goal can be achieved by selecting an appropriate learning management system (LMS). An LMS can provide advantages, and features that will make corporate learning…
Keep learning with our online events
We understand that working, learning and finding inspiration at the moment can be tough. To make things a little easier, we are providing four online events with our friends at Intelliboard, so you can access these resources from wherever you are. Over the next few weeks we’ll be working with industry professionals and experienced educators to…
Moodle helps Indonesia avoid disaster
Pacific Disaster Center’s LMS for government organisations across Asia The Pacific has its fair share of natural disasters. That’s why it helps to have experts analyse conditions and threats, then present that information in real time to the relevant authorities. Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) provides analysis and early warnings to governments across the pacific region.…
The future of online learning in Malaysia
Online learning has been on the rise for the last two decades, as more and more people undertake all or part of their training via learning, online class or virtual classes. Today, most universities and schools have some kind of Learning Management System (LMS) in place – such as Moodle – which allows teachers and…
We’re hiring, training, additional sites – Pukunui Malaysia
A quick update for our clients in Malaysia. We’re hiring! LMS / Moodle training Additional Moodle, Mahara, and WordPress sites Recently, we’ve taken on quite a few more clients. To serve you better, we are delighted to announce that we are looking for someone to fill the following position.
H5P and Moodle
Lecturers, teachers and instructional designers who want to improve the learning experiences of their students, should take a look at using H5P activities within their Moodle site. H5P is an open source project which allows you to create interactive, responsive, HTML5 learning activities.
Elearning courses in Malaysia
Digital learning technologies have given birth to elearning courses in Malaysia and other parts of the world. However, some elearning courses are better than others. The best ones have several defining features the rest lack. So, it’s good to understand what separates the best courses from the rest before developing your own.
New version – Moodle 3.5 Released!
Last month, Moodle 3.5 was released. The release is an awesome upgrade on the previous version of the worlds most popular elearning tool. Building on the success of Moodle 3.4, the major improvements of Moodle 3.5 are GDPR compliance and a focus on improving usability.
LMS Training Melbourne July 2018
It’s not too late to sign up for our latest training using the Moodle™ platform – LMS Training Melbourne July 2018. Join our Pukunui Course Creator and Pukunui LMS Manager training courses, and upskill! Melbourne We’re excited to be back in Melbourne showing you how to use everyone’s favourite LMS – Moodle. In Course Creator, you’ll…
Avoiding the spambots on your Moodle site with Google reCAPTCHA v2
Is your VLE open to the world? Do you let visitors create accounts on your site? If so you might get a lot of spam and unconfirmed accounts. Luckily there is a solution to this use Google reCAPTCHA on your site.
Elearning Kuala Lumpur, LMS Training
Training courses for Elearning Kuala Lumpur Coming up in September, we more courses for Elearning Kuala Lumpur. You can contact us directly today for more information. Pukunui Course Creator. For teachers and trainers starting out on their Moodle™ journey Continue Reading
Pukunui Malaysia. Our review of 2016
As it is the start of a new year, I thought I’d take the time to reflect on our recent LMS successes and hopes for 2017.
The Benefits of E-Learning in Malaysia
E-learning offers a convenient and cost-effective way to learn in Malaysia, with the added benefits of flexibility, personalisation and easy access from anywhere with an internet connection. With these advantages, e-learning has become increasingly popular in Malaysia, allowing students of all ages to get the education they need without being limited by geographical or financial…
Conditional Quiz Questions? Why yes you can!
Conditional Quiz Questions. Very exciting! This week I have the pleasure of sitting in on Shane Elliott running the Pukunui Course Creator two day training. It’s always great to see the Pukunui team presenting our standard courses, as we all have our unique flourishes, pet peeves and passions that we focus on.