The Move to Moodle 4.0 Series (4 of 4): Proper Preparation for Moodle 4.0

chalkboard with question "are you ready" "are you ready"

Preparation for Moodle 4.0. As we get ready for the move to Moodle 4.0, it’s a good time to do a spring clean of your content. That way, you can make the most of the revamped design.

If you want to see how Moodle are binging in changes, and making some awesome improvements, check out our other three blogs in this series on navigation, new Moodle icons, and dashboard

So, how exactly should you go about decluttering your LMS content and improving your user experience in preparation for Moodle 4.0? 

Try this 7-step plan for size. 

  1. Put your files into folders
    If you have a file-heavy course, it makes sense to organise your files into folders. This will help make your site less cluttered and easier to navigate. It will also look cleaner. Users can click on folders to expand the content.
  2. Put your text into books
    If your course content is mainly text-based, you should consider creating a Moodle book resource. Users can easily navigate the content in your book by jumping to different sections and can download it in PDF format for offline access. Moodle also allows you to add H5P activities to your book and record grades.
  3. Put your links into pages
    Rather than include external resource links in a long list at the end of a course, you can embed these links easily within your content. Make sure you create an informative link name, then simply add the link for quick reference.
  4. Use one section per page
    If you have all your sections on one page, it can be overwhelming for the user. Better to have one section per page. Moodle 4.0 includes a ‘jump to’ dropdown menu for easy navigation.
  5. Update completion tracking
    You have the option to enable course completion tracking on individual files and activities. Learners can either check they have completed an activity manually, or you can enable automatic course completion status. Both options allow your learners to keep track of their progress, which is a highly motivating factor. For more information on the psychology behind this and more tips, check out Moodle’s post on ‘stealth activities’.
  6. Restrict access to course activities
    You can choose to hide future course activities until the learner has completed prior activities. This is useful if you want your learner to access course material in a particular order or avoid them skipping sections. You can even download plugins to enhance your Moodle course display.
  7. Explore other course formats
    There are different course formats available that streamline your content and make it easily accessible. That way, your learners avoid the ‘scroll of death’! The Collapse Topics format and Tiles format are two of the most popular. Other options are available on the Moodle Plugins Directory.

    Once you have completed your content audit, you’ll be in a good place to make the most out of the move to Moodle 4.0. Here at Pukunui, we’re very keen to start helping our clients with their upgrades, and we’re sure the end result will be a pleasing one. 

Enjoy doing a ‘Marie Kondo’ on your site!

If you would like our help to upgrade your LMS to Moodle 4.0, or if you need help in preparation for Moodle 4.0 get in touch with us to discuss the options. 

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